Canadian Food Label Consulting and Label Compliance

Canadian Food Label Consulting and Label Compliance

Canadian food regulations have undergone widespread changes and are presently still undergoing changes, including changes to the Nutrition Facts table and other labelling requirements. Whether you are creating a new food product and want to ensure the label meets Canadian regulations, or importing or exporting product into Canada and require changes to the existing label to expand your business compliantly, we are here to help.

In addition to generating label-ready Canadian Nutrition Facts tables for your product based on 100g nutrition data, database calculation of your recipe, or external laboratory analysis of a sample, we also offer regulatory consulting services for all other labelling requirements from Health Canada such as ingredient lists, common name, allergen statements, nutrient and health claims.

We can help you acquire the necessary information from your suppliers and design a new Nutrition Facts label that conforms to the new regulations. We can also conduct a full label review of all other aspects of your label, and provide advice on claims to ensure your products are both compliant and competitive.

Growing concern around food allergens and intolerances paired with increased nutritional awareness has generated the need for more information sharing and transparency. We generate nutrient values and allergen information based on recipes, serving size, preparation considerations and ingredient supplier specifications sheets.

Services for Canadian Food Label Consulting and Label Compliance

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